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Board of Selectmen Minutes 04/23/08
Town of Buxton
Minutes for April 23, 2008 Selectmen’s Meeting

Prepared by:  Dianne Senechal

Members Present:  Jean C. Harmon, Clifford L. Emery, Robert C. Libby, Daniel T. Collomy and Linda W. Pulsoni.

Others Present:  Barbara Elwell, Peter Pinkham and Olive Collomy

Business Meeting Agenda

1.      Call to Order.

The Meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m.

2.      Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes.

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes April 16, 2008.  Approved 5-0.

3.      Discussion held between 5:00 & 7:00 p.m.

5:00 p.m. – Lary Owen – discuss back hoe

5:30 p.m. – Mark Saxby – discuss insurance renewal quote

6:00 p.m. – Andy Townsend – Fire Department Issues

4.      Review of Correspondence.

·       Letter from Emily Rines, University of New England – Re:  Invitation to participate in the Coastal Healthy Communities Coalition’s eight annual Walk 100 Miles in 100 Days.
·       Letter from Cousins/Deering Road resident – Re:  Increase in traffic due to by-pass construction

5.      Review of Projects and Issues.

Selectmen Libby reported that he was working on the budget expenses and determining income to finish the Warrant.

Selectman Collomy reported that the bid packages for the new Public Works Garage are due next Wednesday, April 30 and will be opened that night.

Selectman Emery reported that a group of interested contractors met with Deluca and Hoffman last Thursday, April 17 for the pre-bid conference for the new Public Works Garage.

Selectman Harmon stated that the Selectmen were working on the Warrant to determine the amount to come from Undesignated Surplus.

A Special Town Meeting will be held at 7:00 p.m. on May 7 to replace the back hoe at the Transfer Station.

6.      Old Business.


7.      New Business.

8.      Executive Orders.


9.      Executive Orders by Initiative.


10.     Accounts Payable and Payroll Warrants.

E.O.070804016 -- An order approving expenditures as documented in Accounts Payable Warrant #43-08.  Approved 5-0.

E.O.070804017 -- An order approving expenditures as documented in Payroll Warrant
#43-08.  Approved 5-0.

11.     Next Meeting of the Board.

Planning Board Meeting Monday, April 28, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.
Selectmen’s Meeting Wednesday, April 30, 2008 at 7:00 p.m.

12.     Other Business.

Selectman Harmon reminded every one that the Superintendent of SAD #6 made a presentation last week at the Selectmen’s Meeting regarding the school budget.  On May 8 there will be a Validation Meeting of all Towns to approve the budget.

Selectman Pulsoni thanked the volunteers that came to Carroll Park last weekend to clean up the area.  There were 25 couples who participated.

Selectman Pulsoni reminded the public that now that the snow is gone there is a fire danger and burning permits are required.  It is also a good time to clean up yards now that the snow is gone.

13.     Public Comments and Questions.

Barbara Elwell had several remarks to make regarding the comments that were made by one of the Selectmen at the Public Hearing on April 9 regarding the changes to the Charter for the Personnel Review Committee and the Budget Committee.

Barbara stated that Selectman Collomy had made some misstatements at the April 9th Meeting and she wanted to clarify.  At the April 9th Meeting Dan stated that the Personnel Review Committee had struggled attracting candidates to run for office and had difficulty getting members to participate in interviews.  Barbara has been on the Personnel Review Committee since last June and stated that she had interviewed when asked except for the Fire Chief position as the Board had asked for only one member to attend.  Barbara presented a copy of the correspondence asking for only one member to attend.  Dan was not aware of the correspondence.  Barbara stated that she thought the Committee was working well and that the Committee served a very good purpose.

Barbara said that she was reading old Town Reports and it was voted to place a plaque at the Groveville Playground in memory of Shirley Butler.

Barbara questioned the amount collectable in the Recreation Department.  She said the recreation program was run well when it was a volunteer operation and the problems appeared to surface in the last three years.  She said the Selectmen should be listening to the public as they were not satisfied with the Recreation Director.  Barbara stated she hoped those people that could not pay would have an opportunity to discuss the matter before the debt went to collection.  She also said that she had heard that the Town was paying for a cell phone and money for a home office for the Recreation Director.

Selectman Harmon responded that the Town was paying for a cell phone, but it was Town property and is used only for recreation work.  The Town is not paying for a home office and would not be putting the debt into collection immediately.  Those families affected would be getting a letter and the last step would be collection if they did not pay.

14.     Adjournment.

Motion made and seconded to adjourn the Meeting at 7:46 p.m.  Approved 5-0.